Thursday, August 12, 2010

Burn Finland tour (August '10)

Just to warn you, this is pretty epic, but i hope it's worth reading - the end is probs the most interesting bit.

On 30th July, I got on my first flight since the whole 'being-refused-entry-into-America thing', sat next to Ben and Steve (who i'd never met before, but now feel like family), and waited with anticipation for arrival in Helsinki.
It had been 11 months since I was last in Finland, although it felt a lot longer ago than that. When we got to Helsinki, it felt like coming home - so many familiar faces and sights.

So, the tour - well, I i figured it would be great, but it was so much better than I expected. God showed up in amazing ways in each place we went to, and I believe what He did will have quite an impact on this nation. We had a great team, with us 3 guys from England, and 6 Finns - by the end of the tour we felt like a family. Despite having never played together as a band, we flowed well as a group.

In Helsinki, it was great to see that many people here have vision for houses of worship and prayer. As different people shared, and we later interceded for the nation, expectation at what God is going to do here rose in my heart.

After two days in Helsinki, we then spent one day in each of the other places (other than Pietasaari/Jakobstad). This meant lots of travelling (4 hours was the longest journey), which was tiring, but it was great to visit so many places.
Renko was our next stop. I spent a week in Renko about a year ago, so it was great to be back with those guys. We had 3 awesome times of prophetic worship there. In the last one, i just started playing some kind of winding solo stuff on the acoustic guitar. Pretty soon i was in some kind of Holy Spirit trance, all i could do was play guitar for ages, maybe about an hour. Crazy stuff.

Next stop about 2 hrs away was Jämsä, where we met Luke Jeffrey (who i knew from my time in Finland before). Here we led a time in the afternoon for worship leaders, with prophetic worship and teaching, and then the evening was a more general gathering. This included lots of worship and teaching, and ended with a time of passionate intercession for Jämsä and Finland - it was pretty awesome. Luke has since started regular gatherings for prophetic worship and intercession in Jämsä, and I hope to visit him again in a few weeks' time maybe. We three english guys got to stay with a lovely couple in their nearby summer cottage, and had sauna and swam in their lake - so great.

The next stop was a YWAM base near Siilinjärvi. It was great to get to know people there, and the evening of prophetic worship and teaching was great. It was great to bless and encourage the base leaders in their vision for a house of worship and prayer.

We then had a 4 hour drive to Pietasaari/Jakobstad, where we stayed two nights. This was in a mainly Swedish-speaking area, which was cool. Both evenings we had great times of worship and teaching. Also, on both evenings an indigenous sound of Finland was released - two ladies played violins, in a very folky and mournful style. It was amazing, and God was definitely at work there. We also got to chillax for the day in between the meetings. Ben, Sonja and myself spent a while playing each other our songs, and then having sauna and swimming in the Baltic Sea (which wasn't that warm, even in summer).

Our next stop was Vaasa. We had an afternoon and an evening session here, and it was quite tough ground. Our freeflow style was clearly quite challenging to some of the local christians, as was some of Steve's teaching on prophetic worship. But I feel like there was some breakthrough there, and at one point everyone sang the Finnish national anthem and prayed for the nation, which was cool.

By this stage, we had led worship for hours each day for several days, and were all pretty tired. I definitely felt pretty empty, like I didn't have much left to give. I felt kinda frustrated, both in Jakobstad and then in Vaasa especially (part of that was probably the atmosphere). I was struggling to really press in and to hear God's voice, which is pretty vital to prophetic worship. This brought out all sorts of feelings, and at one point in the evening in Vaasa I had to leave the building. I wandered around and voiced my frustrations to God.
That evening and the next day i was able to talk it through with a couple of people in the team, and I realised that there were lies that i was believing (such as that I have nothing to give, not only in worship, but more generally to Finland), and some pride/performance mentality/striving kinda stuff was exposed.

So, after Vaasa we went to a YWAM base in Ruurikkala. I decided it was best that I have a break from playing guitar and singing with the band at first. It was good just to have space to be alone with God. Steve and Ben then did some teaching, Ben on honest intimacy - being truly open and broken before God - which was really good.
We went back into worship, and i felt i should play piano, which no-one else was playing at that time. God really moved, and it ended up with just me playing and nearly everyone else lying down or praying for people. Ben then came and encouraged me to really pour out my soul to God, which i then did. It was probably the most raw, desperate worship time i've ever had. I was pursuing God and i wasn't gonna give up. Later, other members of the team came and joined in with me crying out to God. It was so amazing.

When i was finally out of energy, the whole team prayed for me and prophecied over me for a while. What followed was really crazy. I was shaking pretty crazily in the Spirit and felt kinda like i was birthing something (stomach cramps, and pretty full on groans). The groans ended up with me basically roaring like a lion. I've had simiar experiences before, but not with that intensity probably. By the end of this i was exhausted and just lay on the floor for a while. Pretty soon i was completely drunk in the Spirit, like properly wasted. Several other members of the team were too, and we spent at least an hour on the floor laughing. Eventually i got to bed, and a while after that sobered up enough to sleep. It was the most amazing feeling.

The next day was our last day of travelling on the tour. We went to Tampere, and had an afternoon of worship and teaching. After the first worship time, i was pretty drunk again, so i went out of the hall with Ben and Sonja. After praying for each other, we decided to dance, which ended up with us going outside and dancing in the rain - so awesome. We kinda missed the teaching bit, and soon after we had another worship time. At one point we were declaring freedom over the church and the nation, and I felt that i had to dance - was pretty crazy, the Holy Spirit kinda took control of my body. We were crying out for freedom, especially for Finnish men - it was really powerful.
The worship ended with us praying for people, and then with a bunch of us on the floor, drunk in the Spirit again. Took quite a while to sober up again.

After driving back to Helsinki, we had a relaxed next day, until the evening when we prayed and worshiped in Jakomäki. It was amazing to be back in the area I lived in for a year, i really love that place. We declared Jesus as Lord over the area and also danced on the hill. Our time there ended with Sonja and I both drunk in the Spirit again, this time on the hill in Jakomäki. kinda crazy. All this drunkenness makes me think there's a whole lot more to joy than we often experience.

The next day Ben and Steve flew back to England, was sad to say goodbye. It was also a bit of a wake up call to the fact that I was staying here in Finland. I still don't know how long I'll be here, but I feel that I have some role to play in encouraging prophetic worship and intercession here. I also feel that I need to be part of seeing the men of Finland rise up and be the men of God they're called to be.
God is definitely stirring up the church here to worship and intercession. He is bringing freedom - from religion, from passivity, and many other things. He is bringing his joy and life to this nation.


Anonymous said...

Hey man, you did a good job of summing up the epic tour so concisely! I'm afraid I'm less likely to manage it on my blog...

Pellava Smith said...

John, it was great to read your blog from the epic tour, I wonder how much God has smiled when once we met Sean and guys in Holland, then I "happened" to sit next to Steve in the UK Network Day when you were in the US, and now, we were all in Tampere... :D I am excited to see how your journey will unfold, it seems like many turns of the road have been gloriously unexpected but good! See you this weekend, bro!