Tuesday, August 12, 2008

For such a time as this

hey there
this is my first post on this blog about my year in Finland

Wow, it's weird finally being here after months of thinking about being here.
It's been great to see some of my Finnish friends and get back to this wonderful country.

I was involved in Urbaani Unelma (Urban Dream), which is somewhat like the Noise - community projects and celebrations from 6-10 August. It was great to be part of an event with 40 churches and organisations involved.

I've been wondering quite why God wanted me to come to Finland, but i've decided that He knows and I don't need to. In the words of Desiderius Erasmus, "To know nothing is the happiest life."
But God has been saying to me on several occasions that He brought me here "For such a time as this." That's really reassuring - to know that God has it all planned and I don't have to strive to accomplish things.
I am looking forward to the challenges that God is bringing my way

well, God bless you
until next time
john xx


colin piper said...

Keep that thought before you at all times, particularly when it gets tough. The enemy would love to steal you of your conviction.


Pellava Smith said...


It's a blessing to have you here John.



Anonymous said...

John, great to see you have a blog dude.

excellent. make sure you use it - they're brilliant for helping you take in everything thats going on and what you think of what you're involved with...

look forward to reading how things are going too.

bless you dude.


knightlines said...

Just a short quote from David Adam.
"Between each thought and each action place the Presense of God. Between each encounter and event place the Presense of God." Keep practicing the Presense of God in ALL you do and you will not go far wrong!!
I look forward to reading your blog
Bless you John
