Here's a general summary of what's been happening here in the last few weeks.
A couple of weeks ago I took a train 3 hours north(ish) to Jämsä, to visit a friend of mine called Luke. He's an english guy who's lived in Finland for about 13 years, and I met him when i lived in Finland before. I spent a week in Jämsä, mainly talking to Luke and leading worship at some worship gatherings. God seems to be doing stuff in Jämsä, and it was great to be able to support Luke in the work God has him doing there. It was cool to be able to talk through what I'm doing here with Luke, and get his advice on adjusting to life here.
When I got back to Helsinki, I knew I need to sort out the question of my residency status here. I'd lost whatever paper I'd been given when I moved here two years ago, and I wasn't sure whether I'd need to apply again as what I'm doing has changed. So, I finally went to the local police immigration office to find some answers to my questions. Walking in there and seeing all the forms that people were filling out kinda freaked me out. I guess my recent experiences with 'official' things haven't been great (denied visa at U.S. Embassy, 5 hours in Israeli security, denied entry to the U.S. in Chicago). After waiting for a while, I was able to talk to one of the immigration officials. He found me on their database, and simply printed out a new copy of the paper I'd been given 2 years ago. My residency hadn't expired, and I am officialy a resident of Helsinki. This was a great relief, and makes the practicalities of staying here a whole lot easier.
So what else have I been doing in Helsinki? Well, last weekend I was able to be part of two events in the greater Helsinki. On Friday evening I was at a worship evening organised by Verkosto church. I led worship for the first 2 hours, using Finnish songs and then flowing in between in English. God led us to intercede for His Church - that the Bride would come together and sing as one "Come, Lord Jesus". It was pretty great. Two other people led worship after me, and it was great just to be in that place of worship and to pray for whatever God put on our hearts. After about 5 hours we ended, but I'm sure we could have kept going for hours more.
The other event, on the next day, was a worship and intercession day organised by an American guy in Espoo (part of greater Helsinki area). It was great to be there; we worshiped for hours again, and interceded for the church, the area and the nation. We also prayed for one another, and just spent time getting to know each other. Luke came from Jämsä to lead worship and share, which was great. The day lasted about 10 hours in all, so i was pretty exhausted by the end of it. But it was great just to support people with vision for worship and prayer in this area.
I'm also now a member of Silmu, which is a housechurch here in Helsinki. Most of the people involved I know pretty well, and I felt that I could share life with them. There is so much that I could learn from them, and to have their support is a real blessing. I'm sure there are also things God has given me to share with them. Silmu is also very involved in reaching out to Jakomäki (see last post for more), which currently includes running an Alpha course there, which I'm involved in.
So, my life here is developing, and I'm more sure than ever that God wants me to be here. There's still plenty of uncertainty about exactly what I'm going to do here, but that's just part of the fun of adventure.