Well, it's been a while since i wrote.
I'm currently sat in the house connected to our community house here in Shawnee, Oklahoma. I've been here a week, and it has been awesome.
The interns and leaders here feel like family already. They love my accent, and keep getting me to say "for Narnia". I've been to Taco Bell, IHOP (the pancake one) and the local mall, and actually shot a shotgun - crazy!
God has been doing amazing stuff here. Everyone is so passionate for God, pretty much every worship time has gone from worship to the prophetic to intercession. I've already had several full-on encounters with God. He's been giving me His heart for the lost and broken, America, and the Muslims.
From Sunday to Tuesday we had a lady called Karen Dunham teaching. She is an amazing lady who works in Israel in Palestinian refugee camps in Jerusalem. She's had her house set on fire 7 times, but continues to love Palestinians, and has a church of 300, some former Hamas members. God willing, we're going to visit her in Israel for 4 weeks in January/Febrary.
She taught us amazing stuff about encountering the Father, and about us being a group of prophets. We spent a couple of hours prophecying over each other one day - it was really powerful.
From wednesday til today we had Roger Joyner with us. He's an amazingly passionate intercessor, and he taught us great stuff about intercession. God has led us into times of intercession for this city, and the USA. Today we prayed for Muslims, as there was a gathering planned of 50,000 Muslims in Washington, D.C., and ended up interceding for Europe.
So, it's been a really intense beginning week, really amazing, and God's gonna change us all radically in these 9 months