Well, it’s been ages since I wrote anything on here.
Hmm, I’ve been here for over three months now. Wow, it’s been cool. Basically, life here is good. I’m enjoying being here, and
God has been teaching me quite a lot over the past weeks. I was told on a few occasions recently that I was God’s warrior, which is encouraging. I’ve also been reminded of how worship is an attitude and should flow from our whole lives. GearUp this year was great, but pretty different to my previous experiences of GearUp, with me being here to help organise it. It was a real blessing to lead worship with Laura Lassila and Hilla Auren. God (as always) did amazing stuff in people’s lives, and challenged all of us in how we see our relationship with God. It was also great to see Hannah and Chris, and Dave.
God has been using me in all sorts of ways, many of which I have little previous experience in. One such example is the strategic prayer for the Jakomäki area (where I live), which I have joined in with since I arrived, which has involved prophecy and spiritual warfare. Some of this has been kinda new for me, but I’ve learned a lot through it. I really feel like I have grown up a lot in my relationship with God, which is cool.
Please pray that my enthusiasm would continue, and that the ever-decreasing amount of sunlight wouldn’t affect me too much.
well, that’s all for now. I will really try to keep you updated with what’s happening here.
Bless you